There are strings
- 1995
Released by Rough trade - categorized in Jungle
Tracks : 10 / Length : 66:28:47
68 million shades...
- 1996
Released by Island - categorized in Jungle
Tracks : 12 / Length : 75:49:57
joint release with Trade 2 records
Busy curious thirsty
- 1997
Released by Island - categorized in Jungle
Tracks : 10 / Length : 67:45:12
joint release with Trade 2 records
- 1999
Released by Rough trade - categorized in Jungle
Tracks : 10 / Length : 62:05:40
on Tugboat subdiv.
- 2001
Released by Thirsty ear - categorized in Jungle
Tracks : 10 / Length : 52:09:20
in -The blue series continuum-